South Side Cat Skiing Terrain at Chatter Creek
The South Side Super Road leaves Vertebrae Lodge to climb to MCO, where branches fork to Elbow Drive, RUZM Gully and the Gong Show. The road continues south to South Park, Lakeview and Harbourview. There are branches to SX3 and SX2. Here is an aerial view from above the lodge, looking south to the area serviced by this road. (bare photo)(photo with names).
South Side Photography:
A.1 Panorama view of cat skiing areas just south of Vertebrae Lodge.
A.2 MCO and South Park - view to the south (photo)(names)
MCO (Multiple Cascading Orgasims) MCO Pass Gong Show
RUZM gully Lakeview South Park
A.3 South Park, Lakeview and Harbourview - view to the north.
(photo) (names)  Elbow Drive Road to RUZM South Park
Lakeview Harbourview
A.4 SX2, SX3 and Harbourview - view to the north (photo)(names)
Harbourview Oh My Gord HSI Buffalo Jump
Lakeview South Park Road to RUZM SX2 SX3
Bowling Alley MCO Pass
A.5 SX2, SX3 and South Park- view from the east (photo)(names)
SX2 HSI Buffalo Jump Oh My Gord South Park
MCO Pass SX3
A.6 Harbourview and SX3 - view to the north (photo)(names)
Harbourview Oh My Gord RUZM Entrance MCO Pass
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